Trip Tirupati – One Stop for Tirumala Information

Time Slotted Sarva Darshan (SSD) is the darshan where devotees have the darshan of Sri Venkateswara Swamy free of cost without waiting in the Q-line for long hours.

For the benefit of pilgrims, TTD has started time-slot darshan tokens which will enable convenient darshan for pilgrims reducing long waiting hours in queue lines and compartments.

To have this darshan, Pilgrims must get the tokens from Slotted Sarva Darshan (SSD) counters in Tirupati. They need to report at the time mentioned in the token.

After completing the darshan, a Ladoo will be given free of cost to the Pilgrims after submitting the token at the Ladoo complex located outside the Temple.


TTD has restarted Time Slot Darshan Tokens at Tirupati from 1st Nov 2022.

Pilgrims have to take the Tokens at Tirupati for this darshan.

Counters will open from 5 am and will issue tokens for same day darshan.

Reporting Time & Place for Time Slot Darshan

  • Reporting Time –  As per the time mentioned in the ticket
  • Reporting Place – ATGH Circle

Time slot counters opens at 5 am and closes once the ticket quota is completed for that day.

SSD token Counters at Tirupati:

  • Vishnu Nivasam (Opp Tirupati Railway Station)
  • Srinivasam Complex  (Opp Tirupati Main Bus Station) 

Tokens will be issued on day to day basis till the quota gets exhausted. If the tokens quota exhausts for the day, devotees can go to Vaikuntha Queue Complex 2 and wait in the compartments for Darshan. 

  • Vishnu Nivasam (Opp Tirupati Railway Station)
  • Srinivasam Complex  (Opp Tirupati Main Bus Station) 
  • Counter will usually opens at 5 am. If there is rush they will open from 12 am also.
  • Tokens will be issued for same day darshan.
  • Based on the decision taken by TTD officials around 10 -15 thousand tokens will be issued per day.
  • Counters will be closed once the quota exhausts for the day.
  • Aadhaar card is required for getting the time slot darshan token.
  • Once the token is availed, you can the next time slot darshan after 30 days.
  • For kids below 12 years, tokens will not be issued entry is free for them.
  • Token will be issued in person upon verification of the Aadhaar.
  • Photo of the devotee will be taken while issuing the token.
  • Darshan tokens issued are not transferrable to others (including family members).

Time Slot Counters